Foreign art, history of art

Paul Neff Verlag, Esslingen a. N. 1920.

230,00 Kč

Text in German . Second volume. Many illustrations. Paul Neff Verlag, Esslingen a. N. 1925.

230,00 Kč

Text in German, English, French and German. Publishing house of the Union of Artists of the U.S.S.R, Moskva 1960.

430,00 Kč

Deutsche Buch- Gemeinschaft, Berlin.

130,00 Kč

Text v němčině. Psáno švabachem. 30 tables- two are missing. Franz Lipperheide, Berlin 1892.

1300,00 Kč

Text in Slovakian. TVAR, Bratislava 1951.

170,00 Kč

10 volumes - complete. Ceskoslovenska graficka Unie, Praha 1936. Every volume contains for about 20 tables, many are coloured.

830,00 Kč

Odeon, Praha 1978. First edition.

230,00 Kč

Catalogue of exhibition of Paris surrelists in Brno, Praha and Bratislava. Odeon, Praha 1968.

430,00 Kč

Revue Artistique et Littéraire. Text in French. This number is dedicated to Pierre Bonnard. It contains original lithography by P. Bonnard. Editions de la Revue Verve, Paris 1947.

1300,00 Kč

Two volumes. Odeon, Praha 1982. First edition.

1300,00 Kč

Artia, Praha 1987.

530,00 Kč

Artia, Praha 1966.

330,00 Kč

Eugen Diederichs, Jena 1909.

330,00 Kč

Many illustrations. Text in German. H. Schmidt und C. Gunther, Leipzig 1939.

130,00 Kč

Three books inside- see pictures, please. Ustredni spolek ucitelsky na Morave, Brno 1926.

230,00 Kč

Nakladatelstvi ceskoslovenskych vytvarnych umelcu, Praha 1963.

230,00 Kč

Text in French. Editions de la Connaissance, Bruxelles 1946.

130,00 Kč

Many illustrations. Odeon, Praha 1986. First edition.

330,00 Kč

Text in German. Phaidon, Wien 1935.

330,00 Kč

Odeon, Praha 1981. First edition.

430,00 Kč

Text in German. Bruno Cassirer Verlag, Berlin 1925.

830,00 Kč

Artia, Praha 1972.

97,00 Kč

Artia, Praha 1973.

97,00 Kč

Artia. Praha 1981.

97,00 Kč