German books

Text in German. Bibliographischen Instituts, Amsterdam 1841.

230,00 Kč

Text in German. Benno Schwabe & Co, Basel 1928.

170,00 Kč

Text in German. B. G. Teubner, Leipzig 1878.

430,00 Kč

Text in German. B. G. Teubner, Leipzig 1875.

170,00 Kč

Text in German. At own expense, Moravská Ostrava 1938.

230,00 Kč

Text in German. Artia, Praha 1966.

430,00 Kč

Text in German. Alfred Holder, Wien 1914.

130,00 Kč

Text in German. Alfred Hölder, Wien 1910.

530,00 Kč

Text in German. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion, Postdam no date.

130,00 Kč

Text in German. Akademische verlagsgesellschaft athenaion, Postdam 1931.

130,00 Kč

Text in German. Abenteuer und Entdeckungen dreier Expeditionen in die mongolische Wüste. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1927.

330,00 Kč

Text in German. Abel und Müller, Leipzig no date.

270,00 Kč

Text in German. 6 maps. Albert Goldschmidt, Berlin 1906.

170,00 Kč

Text in German. 4th- 6th volume of his work in one book. Th. Knaur Nachs., Berlin und Leipzig no date.

170,00 Kč

Text in German. 32 maps. Grieben Verlag, Berlin 1925.

170,00 Kč

Text in German. 3 volumes. Berlin, Wien 1921 and 1927.

270,00 Kč

Text in German. 2nd volume. Julius Springer, Berlin 1920.

230,00 Kč

Text in German. 2nd volume. 12 numbers. Many photos. Agfa, Berlin 1925-26.

230,00 Kč

Text in German. 2 volumes. Verlagsanstalt Vorm. G. J. Manz, Mnichov, Rezno.

630,00 Kč

Text in German. 1st volume. Cigaretten - Bilderdienst Altona-Bahrenfeld 1936.

330,00 Kč

Text in German. 1st volume - Die Küche, Ratgeber, Die Wohnräume and other. 2nd volume - Die Garden. Centra A. G. Tetschen no date.

330,00 Kč

Text in German. 1st part. 2 volumes. Duncker und Humblot, Munchen und Leipzig 1924.

170,00 Kč

Text in German. 19th part Der indische Kulturkreis. Many illustrations. Christensen und Co., Hamburg no date.

230,00 Kč

Text in German. 10th volume. Moravské zemské muzeum, Brno 1910.

2300,00 Kč