Foreign art, history of art

Journal hebdomadaire universel. Text in French. 10 numbers. Volume 1934. Illustrations, Paris 1934.

670,00 Kč

Journal hebdomadaire universel. Text in French. 5 numbers. Volume 1935. Illustrations, Paris 1935.

370,00 Kč

Journal hebdomadaire universel. 12 numbers. Year 1936. Illustration, Paris 1936.

670,00 Kč

Journal hebdomadaire universel. Text in French. 9 numbers. Year 1937. Illustrations, Paris 1937.

670,00 Kč

Journal hebdomadaire universel. Text in French. 7 numbers. Volume 1931. Illustrations, Paris 1931.

470,00 Kč

Journal hebdomadaire universel. Text in French. 19 numbers. Volume 1932. Illustrations, Paris 1932.

1300,00 Kč

Text in Slovakian. Catalogue of exhibition. Slovenska narodna galeria, Bratislava 1982.

130,00 Kč

Illustrated Summary Catalogue 1/2. Text in English. Narodni galerie, Praha 2000.

130,00 Kč

Text in French. Catalogue of exhibiton. Le Grand Jardin, Paris and Prague 1993.

130,00 Kč

Many illustrations. Ustredni cirkevni nakladatelstvi, Praha 1957. 1st edition.

130,00 Kč

Catalogue of exhibition- Czech authors: Istler, Medek, Muzika, Tikal. Oblastni galerie Vysociny, Jihlava 1969.

230,00 Kč

4th volume. Obzor, Bratislava 1978.

430,00 Kč

Text in German. Many illustrations. Paul Neff Verlag, Eklingen a. N. 1923.

170,00 Kč

Many illustrations. Odeon, Praha 1981. 1st edition.

330,00 Kč

Many illustrations. Illustrations by Jean Effel. Odeon, Praha 1979.

130,00 Kč

Many illustrations. Odeon, Praha 1987. 1st edition.

130,00 Kč

Many illustrations. Photos by Werner Forman. Artia, Praha 1969.

330,00 Kč

Odeon, Praha 1989.

230,00 Kč

Many pictures. Cover and typo by Pavel Hrach. SPN, Praha 1990. 1st edition.

170,00 Kč

Text in Polish. Many illustrations. Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Krakow 1953.

130,00 Kč

Text in German. Many illustrations. Second edition. Seeman, Leipzig 1920.

1300,00 Kč

Odeon, Praha 1981.

430,00 Kč

Many illustrations. Odeon, Praha 1983.

270,00 Kč

Text in Slovakian. Many illustrations. Spolok slovenskych vytvarnych umelcov, Bratislava no date.

130,00 Kč