
Text in German. 75 illustrations. Hans E. Gunther Verlag, Stuttgart 1963.

230,00 Kč

Ustredni delnicke knihkupectvi a nakladatelstvi, Praha 1929.

130,00 Kč

Many illustrations. Ceskoslovenska obec Sokolska, Praha 1923.

130,00 Kč

Illustrations and binding by Otakar Masek. Typo by Frantisek Moravek. Sportovni a turisticke nakladatelstvi, Praha 1962. 1st edition in STN.

130,00 Kč

The calendar of Czechoslovakian students includes period photographs, works from Czech authors, geometric formulas and others. . Vydalo nakladatelství Jos.R.Vilímek, Praha, 1926.

130,00 Kč

Tiskoveé podniky Ustredniho svazu ceskoslov.prumyslníku, Praha 1929.

130,00 Kč

Tiskové podniky Ustredniho svazu prumyslniku, Praha 1929.

130,00 Kč

Catalogue. B. Zahradnik, Praha no date.

830,00 Kč

Rassenhygiene und Bevölterungspolitik. Text in German. Many illustrations. J. F. Lehmanns, München 1934.

230,00 Kč

Ustredni delnicke knihkupectvi, nakladatelstvi a antikvariat, Praha.

130,00 Kč

Text in French. Alphonse Lemerre, Paris 1899.

130,00 Kč

A Biographical Dictionary. Text v angličtině. The Central European times publishing Co. Ltd, Zurich 1935.

230,00 Kč

1st volume. Kriminalisticky ustav MV, Praha 1959.

170,00 Kč

Ceskoslovenska obec sokolska, Praha 1933. Many illustrations.

270,00 Kč

Olympia, Praha 1989.

130,00 Kč

Panorama, Prague 1978.

130,00 Kč

Text in English. Many illustrations. Prentice-Hall, 1958.

230,00 Kč

Nákladem vlastním, tiskem knihtiskárny Václava Horáka, Prostějov 1919.

130,00 Kč

Many illustrations. The cover by Jiri Muller. Jihoceskeé nakladatelstvi, Ceske Budejovice 1986. 1st edition.

230,00 Kč

Praha 1941. List and envelope illustrated by Kvechova.

230,00 Kč

Convolute of 11 envelopes + 2 postcards. Wedding wishes. Illustrated by Fischerova- Kvechova. Velka Bites 1941.

230,00 Kč

Text in German. 2 volumes. Kaiserlich-Königlichen Schulbücher - Verlage, Wien und Prag 1911?.

230,00 Kč

Novina, Praha 1936.

630,00 Kč

Only the first half-year. Vladimír Čech, Praha 1901. Year XXII., Book XLVI.

170,00 Kč